Thursday, November 29, 2007
Looking Ahead
Hey there!
Finally, the Singapore Mint briefing took place today. It was held at the Conference Room. I love that room! :D Hehe. So here's some of the details I've received thus far.
There'll be a Product Training for me this 12th & 13th Dec (yay can skip school for two days!). It's from 9am to 5pm (tentatively) and is held at their office @ Teban Gardens. I get to dress in home clothes (of course appopriately). Wee! Good thing is, since Teban is so far away, there will be a transport from school but we have to depart early! It will surely be a long day for me. It's ok. I'm so excited and that matter most. Hehe.
The actual working days will be from 3rd to 13th January 2008. A total of 11 days and I'll be working from either 10 or 11 am, right up to 9pm. The pay sux actually. Only $45 per day, making the total $495. But great news. This is only the minimum one can take home. There'll be a task to market out to corporate companies and if we manage to secure a deal with them, we'll get commissions! :D I bet it's going to be a hard work but nothing ventured, nothing gain! :) We may get two sets of uniforms too. I can't wait to start! Haha. More updates about SG Mint in two weeks' time.
Speaking of two weeks, my birthday is also in two weeks' time! Wee! Can't wait to turn 18. Some say awesome some say not but for all I care, I just want to be 18. Haha! Ah shucks. Nul said she wanna have an earlier birthday celebration for me which is on the 13th Dec but I guess I gotta cancel that then. How sad! :( Iz, we meetup soon yeah to find my pressie? Hehe. :) I just wish my birthday this year will be a memorable one. ;)
Oh yeah, there'll be a trip to Cambodia for community service somewhere in March 2008. Me being me, quickly signed up coz I fear I lose this chance like how I lost the chance to go to Hainan. Haha. It will be a 13 days trip ok! Wee! If memory serves me right, I need to top up at most $400. Talked with mom and she's fine with it. Awesome! After all, I guess, the amount will be deducted from Edusave again. Unfortunately though, there'll be an interview session to see who really are fit to go. I hope I get and that's all I can say. :) Looks like my months ahead are planned. Great! :D
Regards, Niz
I'm Feeling Strappy!
Hola people!
Woohoo! I'm feeling way strappy! Haha. Now, just what are u thinking? It's stress + happy, ok!? ;) Funny eh? Personally, I believe that these two feelings can't mix but hey, I'm so proven wrong. Sheesh. My craziness is back! Perhaps due to my lack of sleep lately. I have no idea why I can't sleep early. I wish I can sleep by midnight or something. I always sleep by 2am maximum. Haiz! Luckily I don't get migraine easily now. Else not, I'll have more hours to redeem for my latecoming to school. Haha~
Anyways, firstly, why am I happy? I'm happy coz my mom's happy! I mean, my mom can finally have a peace of mind regarding the Court issues. Everything now is being handled by her lawyer. She don't even need to attend the subsequent hearing sessions. Isn't it true that money talks? Just pay $3K and everything is settled! ;) I am also happy because finally, mom outplayed my "dad"! My "dad" was the one who wanted hearings to take place. He thought my mom wouldn't be serious enough to engage a lawyer but my mom did! In the end, he was the one who didn't engage a lawyer and got reprimanded by the Judge. Mom almost burst out laughing in the Court when my "dad" claim he can handle the case on his own. Ego talking eh? What the hell. I really can't wait for the finale. The lawyer assured mom and me that the whole process shouldn't drag for more than 4 months. Great!
I am also happy because my mom's getting a 2 months bonus in December! Woohoo! Can't wait to travel to Batam and shop to our heart's content. Still, I'm not that mean. Since I'm working now, I *may* pay some of my expenses. ;) Anyways, last two days, mom & me went to BHG @ Bugis and guess what? Mom bought 3 pairs of (KiKi -_-") shoes coz they're really cheap!! She hadn't splurged for a long time now so it's fine. Finally, she felt so happy, relieved and stress free. Whatever it is, as long as she's happy, I'm happy. I'll always be here to support her. :D I hope no more problems will roll in for the time being. I wish this moment last forever!
Ok now comes the stress part. Firstly, I am so stress about my upcoming BZC oral presentation. I'm suppose to either promote a product, give an encouragement talk or whatever not. I have no idea what to do! What's stuck in my mind now is to just promote Crumpler products. How lame can that be? Perhaps with the right presentation, anything I promote will be successful? Hmm ... Haiz. There's no need to be this stress really but I just can't help it! Argh! On a lighter note, I am the only one amongst two classes who got full marks for the recent BZC listening comprehension test. Mrs Quek even found the need to give me a Toblerone bar. Sheesh. It's just a listening comprehension test ok. . . Secondly, I am stress about the Singapore Marathon. I know I signed up for it ages ago but back then, I wasn't tied down with so many responsibilities. Heck, I don't even forsee my condition now. Simply put, I just don't feel like going this Sunday coz I have to work before and after the event. I can die, ok! I know I should have told Mr Koh about my situation but I felt, he surely won't accept work as an excuse. Furthermore, he already threatened that those who never attend without a valid reason, needs to pay a reimbursement fee of $35. Whatever the hell for? Bullshit right? But that's the fact! I think worst come to worst, I just have to take MC. How sad yeah? :'(
Okay to conclude, I am also feeling very pissed off at my class advisor. I guess the whole class is anyways. Frankly, I don't know what's her problem but I don't think she's coping well as a class advisor. She seems to be lost in her own world most of the time! I never knew an educator in general who rarely checks her email and end up missing on important facts. She goes to the extent of not informing students when there's changes in some things. Why must I be so pissed off, u say? Coz, she once "ruined" my chance to join the leadership course. Overlooked an important email? Right... Today, she didn't inform us that the SG Mint briefing has been postponed. I was shocked! Luckily I double checked with the teacher in charge. Thank god Sha, Raudah & Me didn't wait for too long. I so feel the need to have a word with her but I fear she may think I'm demoralising her instead coz she's quite gentle and fragile. I just want her to change her style and make her realise the problem. . . Oh wells! Take care peeps! ;)
Regards, Niz
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Inspirational Words
"It is not how people perceive who you are that makes your existence worthwhile, but knowing that you have been able to bring joy into other's life is what makes it unique and priceless." - Anonymous
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Loving The Moment~
Hello there!!!
Woohoo. I'm so full of happiness these few days! I really love my happy moments. Not that it's rare to come by but it just doesn't happen as frequent as I'd like it to. Anyways, me & mom went shopping again yesterday. This time round, the focus is on me. Haha! Finally, two items from my wishlisht can be removed. Mom bought me two black belts (one formal and one casual) from a 'big size' shop and a pair of black formal shoes (with 1" heels) from Bata @ Peninsular. All in all, it cost her $110 I guess. Gee.
Told cha my mom have some extra bucks to spend. Haha. What shocked me most was, mom even offered to buy me a reddish-brown Goldlion messenger bag! It cost $140+ after a 20% discount and she claimed it's cheap. I was like... WTH? I mean, the bag's colour is unique but then again, it looks so plain. No one will know if I carry a Goldlion bag! I love bags that have some patterns or colours. I've always wanted either a Renoma or Braun Buffel bag. I just find them to be more worthit. But sadly, they're quite expensive with prices ranging from $200 to $400++. Maybe I'll get them someday. ;)
After going round and round, mom & me was hungry. Before we could even read the menu @ Sakura, my bro smsed asking our location coz he wanted to take something from mom. So yeah, since he was already nearby, we invited him to join us for dinner. The foods there are no longer that nice, sadly. It's fine for me though as I really can gobble up foods when I'm really hungry. Haha! After dinner, bro sent us home. Overall, it was a great day. :D I'll add some pictures I took yesterday. :)

Regards, Niz
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Louis Vuitton Cakes
Omg omg omg!!! Look at what I found! LV Cakes! Don't they look too real for a cake? Sheesh, how creative! At least this won't cost one a bomb! Haha! So much icing though...
How awesome if I can get an LV Cake for my 18th Birthday? ;)
Regards, Niz
Hey peeps!
I moved on, finally! Haha. I'm so over the two posts. I mean seriously, no point dwelling on it much, right? I wasn't myself for the past days but slowly and surely, I'll be ok. Thanx for the concern from u peeps yeah? I am perfectly fine. Just being a tiny bit emo I guess. Haha! That aside, I am feeling ultimate euphoria now!
Last two days, I went for the Singapore Mint interview. More or less, from my understanding, the chosen person needs to help SM sell some commemorative coins over at Suntec City. Guess what? I was one of the chosen ones from ISG! Two others are Sharie & Raudah. I felt so bad for Shidah, Azura & Nadia who didn't make it. Maybe some other time yeah ladies?
Anyways, the working days will be from 4th to 14th January '08. I will be working from 11am to 9pm daily. At the end of it all, I'll get a handsome pay of $500! Fine, it may not be a whole lot but it's not the money that I think of actually. I am more excited to upgrade my portfolio! It's sure gonna be awesome! Frankly, I can't wait for the briefing and course that will take place throughout the next two weeks. Wee!
Life for me now is very much hectic. I need to really plan every single day carefully. I don't have much spare time left and I tire out easily. Very easily. The moment I sleep, it really feels like I can sleep forever. Ok touchwood. I guess I'm back to my unhealthy lifestyle once again. Oh wells. Some say it's just a phase. Haha. We'll see how long I can cope with this. I hope not to give up easily. I really need to work on that!
School's not at all great lately. I thought the attendace issue is over last term. Remember Ms Ema's rule of locking the door? It's back now! Wow, did she manage to brainwash the whole school or what? Apparently teachers find that idea appealing for all you know. I really can't be bothered with this issue anymore. All I know is, I must focus in my studies and pass all tests & exams with flying colours. Heck care with everything else! Who's with me? Haha....
Regards, Niz
Monday, November 19, 2007
That's It!
Thanx to those who have read the previous post. I know most of you may wonder why I decided to bring up the matter when I've been keeping quiet all along. Well, I just can't stand it, that's why. What will I get even if I had brought up this issue back then? Not that I get anything now either but at least before it gets too late, I might as well say it out. Yes? No?
Get this, the whole point of the post was not for me to gain symphathy from anyone. I don't need it. Heck, I don't even deserve it. Right? I was just merely trying to straighten things coz I believe in that. As far as possible, I wanna lead a lifstyle free from enemies and so on. Everyone does I suppose. I also don't go around making friends with people just for the sake of doing it or in any ways trying to impress people. What can I impress them with anyway? My "skill" to befriend people? Yeah right! I'm sure most people aren't that dumb to be "tricked" into being friends anyways. Sheesh.
Whatever it is, I've tried my best to settle the issue. I am really sincere to turn over a new leaf. I know nothing I do can make people change their perception of me. I'm not asking anyone to change their perception of me either. It's just that it's bad to have the wrong perception on someone. I'm sure no one likes that right though we chose to heck care? ;) So yeah, think about it. I hope everything will be as normal as it can get. Like what my bestie said, no point for me to change myself. I have to be true to myself. I am what I am. So, if u love me then thank u but if u hate me, tell me, then fcuk off. At least it shows u have the guts and don't only say it behind my back. :D
Regards, Niz
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Me in ISG
Gee, what a title right? Frankly, I've always wanted to talk about this issue for a long time coming. It's just that sometime the time is not right or I simply don't have the opportunity to do so. Well basically this seems to be quite a hot issue right now. Ok I think I better off be really frank about what I mean.
I'm sure for those observant ones, u can see that I actually established a good rapport with almost everyone in class right? Well, it's because of this that now, some people start to doubt me. I have always ignored what others think about me because I chose to live life, the Zen way. Eventually though, there's a limit to one's patience. If u know me well, u can see that I rarely blow my top but am I not a normal human being? Obviously when some things crosses the border, I just have to make my stand. I can't just let matters prolong, can I?
See, the issue here is down right, trust. Many start to lose trust in me because they think I am a hypocrite. Funny thing is, people who rarely talks to me, doubts me even more just because they are fooled by their own thinking. What is this? What have I done to receive such treatments? Fine I can't possibly curb ur freedom of speech but can u not think first before blabbering nonsense? There's a very very fine line between suspecting and accusing. Now, I felt accused. I can't deny the fact that I do pass messages around but never once have I intended to start anything. In fact, I am being nice to everyone to show that I can adapt well to people, despite the many differences we have with each other.
I'm sure that many of u are not oblivious about the different groups or cliques in the class. Can anyone associate me with any groups? Maybe one or two but I am never stuck to them. I make it a point to talk to everyone in class each day. Sadly, people's perception on me changes when I do this. Apparently some feel that I bad mouth about them. What, do they feel they are that important for me to talk about? Some others felt that whatever I say shouldn't be trusted wholesale coz I may just side a party. Gee, I didn't know I have so much spare time to even be bothered about all these. Utter nonsense! Funny eh how my existent in the class can be such a threat to some that they pretend to be nice to me just to save their ass. The thought of everything makes me laugh out loud, seriously. Plain weird.
For god's sake, I am always a neutral party in the class. U come talk to me, I listen, I give some views and that's it. Why do I really have to tell others what u told me? Ever thought of that? Maybe u say just for the fun of it or to start a conflict between two innocent souls? Then u're not thinking deep. What will I get out of all that? Millions of dollars? Some form of satisfactions? Gosh, stop it can? Come on lah. We are all grown ups now. Be one! No more childish "I don't want to friend u" sorta thing anymore! If really u dislike someone, diss it. Get rid of him/her for all I care. Stop dwelling on the matter and then make it look like it's someone else's fault.
Questions of acceptance in class also rises lately. Ask urself, if u're not accepted, whose fault is it? Is it really because someone goes around bad mouthing u or is it purely because of u? Think hard again. People tend to talk without thinking when they're mad or furious. Oh come on, don't be in denial. We all had our fair share in life so yeah. What I'm trying to put across here is that, if really in some way u feel u have an issue with me, by all means approach me. We can always talk things out. I'm extremely sick and tired of ignoring something which is there all along. I also don't want my reputation to sink just because of some people who can't accept me as who I am.
I did my best to befriend everyone. Come to think of it, I talk more to those less popular people in class as compared to the others. So yeah, stop bugging me for good. If a bunch of people can accept and even understand me, then I don't think the issue is with ME. Seriously, I have no idea why it's ME in the first place. I can't accept LAME reasons. People, just position ur good self in my shoes. Wouldn't u have reacted in the same manner? Ah, heck care lah with all these rubbish. To think that I have to put up with everything till April 2009. How dreadful! *shrugs*
P/S: I never mention names but if U happen to fit in the story, accept a sincere apology from me. I'm merely speaking my mind. Thankies! :)
Regards, Niz
Monday, November 12, 2007
Songs Of The Sea @ SENTOSA
I'm feeling ultimate euphoria right now! Working at SOS is more than awesome, finally! Haha! I really feel more belonged to SOS, seriously. More people start to acknowledge my presence and start talking to me. I know I know u people will probably be saying that it's just a common phase. But to me, being accepted always feels more than great. Haha! Working just 2 days each week is really not sufficient for me. I must work more! Sigh. It's ok, I think I just need to take things slow...
Hmmm oh yeah, a big shoutout to people like Nungky, Clement, Yong Sheng, Juraida, Sean, Farhana and Chung too for helping me in one way or another. I feel so grateful. :) Gee, it seems like the whole SOS staffs has helped me in one way or another. Haha! But it's true ok. I don't think I can work confidently if not for their help. Mistakes are bound to happen so I don't really think of it now. I have always been cautious but many advised me there's not a need to. Another true fact of SOS. Haha!
One thing I don't understand is that for like 4 consecutive time now, everytime I report for work, I'll be deployed as the Gate In-Charge. I hate the walkie!!! Usually messages are passed on when there's a huge crowd and that hinders my hearing capability. I really need to train myself to listen to messages carefully while carrying out my task at the gate. Sheesh. But overall, I still love SOS so much. I'm always looking forward to work now. Weeee! I always wonder though, for how long can I last at SOS? I hope it's longer than my previous work place... ;)
Regards, Niz
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Keep On Smilin'
Howdy mate!
Wow, I've been too busy and tired lately till blogging seems like, once again, such a chore. Sheesh, this shouldn't be happening. But the funny thing is, I sorta do a "live" blog with my friends or mom about what happened every single day. Haha! Well after all, they are (except my mom) a regular reader of my blog. So here or "live", they still get an update about me. Teehee.
Moving along, my week has been pretty alright. Enjoyed every single day. Managed to watch Bee Movie with NJ a couple of days back. I love the movie! The animation is awesome. Too bad the movie's rated a 2. Sigh, movie critics! Hmmm oh yeah finally met up with N once again on Deepavali. Guess I couldn't give much excuse since it's a Public Holiday so yeah, I just tagged along. After all, she treated me to Seoul Garden and foodstuffs from Marks & Spencer. Great. Haha! Oh yeah, she now wears a 'tudung'. I always find 'tudung' girls more attractive but N...? Hmm...
Well, just a little about me and N. We're not together, mind u. We're just friends. Understanding friends (yeah right). Haha! I've had some serious talks with a handful of friends and most think that I shouldn't be giving her hopes if I'm not really into her. Thing is, I don't even think I'm giving her any hope! Ok FINE. Perhaps talking is easy. What do I understand about a girl's feeling, right? Oh wells. She is somehow a changed person now. She's not like what she used to be 6 months back. Moreover, she's so willing to do anything for my sake. For example wearing that 'tudung'. She was the one who wanted to wear coz perhaps she knows I prefer 'tudung' girls? Now frankly, her actions and the way she craves for attention seems like DeSpErAtE to me. There, I said it. I doubt her, for all u know. So the golden question is, `Should I Even Consider Being With Her`? Someone, help me! Actually, I can go on and on about that N. What's the point though? Argh I just feel stucked right now. Can't move on, can't back out. Either way, I feel like I'm at the losing end. Hurhur.
Let's move on to something else. What else if not Songs Of The Sea? Yep, my working place. So far everything's been pretty good. I am becoming a familiar figure there by many. Even from other departments. I love the attention. Just like a new born baby, everyone will want to check me out. Err sounds wrong. Haha! I meant getting to know the new staff at SOS lah! ;) Work wise, I still need to learn from mistakes. Don't even ask. I did so many mistakes ok. Especially when using the walkie. I'm grateful for the assistance from such friendly staffs. A big shoutout to Ershad, Justin, Bob, Rizal, Gina, Subatra, Jonathan, Michelle, Rhea, Teressa, Min Dzi and a few others whom I forgot their names. Thanx peeps for helping me out from my OJT1 till now. I truly appreciate it. :) Oh yeah guess what? I already received my first pay from Sentosa!! Though it's only $95, it means a lot to me. Haha! I wonder how long will I able to last here though. Only time will tell...
Overall, I am content with my life right now. Tiredness is inevitable but a good rest should do the trick. That's life, seriously. U ain't living if u're not tired from anything. Woo, my own quote or what?! Haha! Oh btw, believe it or not, I actually sent an application to Louis Vuitton company! Thanx to Raudah who showed me a job ad at jobscentral. Well apparently LV SG is finding extra staffs to work during the peak period next month. LV items are really sought after during Christmas. Perfect gift I suppose? Wee. Anyways, the application is open to students so I say why not? After all the criteria is someone who have interest and passion in LV items. Now, do I hear u say that's me? Haha! It's a dream come true if I really get any position in the store! I don't even mind if my job is only to unpack bags from the packaging. Being surrounded by items costing thousands is sooooo awesome! Meanwhile, let's get back to reality. Sheesh.
Yup, reality it is. It's already 30mins past midnight on a Sunday and I still haven't study for Principles of Marketing test that will take place very early in the morning, tomorrow. On top of that, I also haven't completed my Business Communications assignments. As if that isn't enough, I only have till 2pm today to complete everything. I'll be working later in the evening till night and of coz I need to sleep once I reach home later at night. Damn. What a very very bad time management I have. Oh wells. I'm sure everything will be done and over with. Sometimes eleventh hour's work is much more better to me. Of coz, I know, it's not a good habit. Oh wells again.
Aite, long post here as usual. Haha! I'll update again soon. How soon? Just soon. Take care people!! :D
Regards, Niz
Friday, November 2, 2007
ISGians @ Terminal 3
Thursday, November 1, 2007
So Far, So Good
Heyas people!
Good news! I think, slowly but surely, the "old" Nizam is coming back! Hip hip hooray! Haha wth. No seriously, I can't really be way down for too long. I'll miss myself more than anything else. Sounds gay u may say but damn, that's just me. Haha! So yup, I'm back to my weird self. In fact, I so noticed all the changes in me that sometimes when I sit back to reflect, the whole thought can scare the hell out of me. Even so, I never fail to at least chuckle in the end. Perhaps, life's like that. :)
Hmm, as for my family's current situation, it's basically still the same. Me and mom met a lawyer two days back and damn was the guy great or what? That's a true lawyer for us! I love people who just talk facts and omit everything else. No nonsense basically. So yeah, after talking through, mom decided to get him as her lawyer but guess what? Upon confirmation, mom needs to fork out $1000 the least before anything can proceed. Sheesh! Don't u just agree that money talks? Apparently, there are just too many things to be settled. Now, who says divorce is easy? Especially after 20 years of marriage! Anyways, as estimated, the total cost will be $3000 nett. The balance of $2000 needs to be settled by the end of the case. I say that is around 3 months down the road? So long right? Not to worry coz mom will get her bonuses in November & December so at least it could ease the burden a little.
Wow, it's already November now! It never fails to freak me out whenever I think how fast time passed by. Soon, school will be a bit more stressful but I'm positive I can cope. Really need to focus (again) this term. As for work, I'm a little stressed out since I just started. There's so many things I need to memorise but I try my best to focus. Btw, I'm so used to getting weekly pay and loving it. Now, it just sux that my pay is only given once every 3 or 4 weeks. I so need money for neccesities and some others. Boy, I really need to learn how to be patient. Haha! Guess what? I'm starting to love working at SOS for all u know! Everyone there began to notice my presence and it's just awesome. They're a sickeningly fun bunch. I'm yet to get my staff pass though. I so wanna try taking the Sentosa Express! :(
Woohoo weehoo! My birthday is so coming up. Who cares if it's more than a month away? I can't wait for it, really! For those who still doesn't know, my birthday is on the 14th of December. Turning 18 must be great eh? I am not expecting any gifts from my mom even though she will be instantly rich this December. Mom just needs the money more. I just hope she'll fulfill her promise of enrolling me @ Ubi Driving Center somewhere early next year. That's gonna cost her another $2000. Sigh. Money money money! Iz & Nul, I am so expecting a good gift from u two though. Don't even think of sharing. Haha! For the rest of u, it's purely optional but who doesn't love gifts? Hahaha! I sound so obsessed with gifts! Urgh. Anywho people, here's price guide (from my wishlist) should any of u kind (and rich) souls out there wanna give me anything. Thankies in advance! :D
15"/17" Laptop - $1800++ 25 Hours Latest Watch(es) - $70 to $150+ Authentic Louis Vuitton items - $800+++ Black Formal Shoe (1" heels) - $50 to $100++ Black Leather Belt - $30 to $60+ Braun Buffel Bag & Wallet (Brown Monogram) - $400+ Crocs Lace Shoe - $80+ Crocs Slip Ons - $80+ Crumpler Brown Skivvy (Med) - $80+ Donuts from Donut Factory - $10+ Esprit Life Perfume for Man - $48+ Fjord Ring(s) - $30+ Marks & Spencer Clothings - $70 to $150+
I look/sound so materialistic! Ok can't deny that. I am but just a tiny bit. Haha! Oh yeah, notice that I never put specific brands for some items? That's just to prove I am not that brand conscious after all! Haha! Ok shut up. Right, that's all for now. It's freaking 3.10am and I need to leave home by 6.45am. Damn assembly! Argh! Aite, taking care and good day ahead!
P/S: Sincere birthday wishes will do actually. Hehe! ;)
Signing out, Niz